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Anne Michele Lyons Kuhns

Anne Michele Lyons Kuhns

Class of 1987
Honored in 2024

The moment you meet Anne Michele Lyons Kuhns, Class of 1987, you instantly recognize that she is a true servant leader. With her “can do, will do” attitude, attention to detail, and incredible love of the school, 自从1983年她成为我们社区的一员以来,她一直为Foxcroft服务. 

从一开始,安妮·米歇尔就为福克斯克罗夫特社区做出了重要贡献. The Tally Ho! lists her many activities and honors: field hockey, the Archaeology Club, CAPS, French Club, Southern Club, and the Cum Laude Society. 她是班级干部、狐狸经理和“黄金老者”.“她显然喜欢马、骑马和马术文化. 她获得了数学奖,并在大四那年获得了优异成绩. Her superlative within her class was “Studies the most,” a testament to her innate ability to learn, understand, and master whatever was (and is) in front of her.

After Foxcroft, she attended Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, 1991年获土木工程及数学学士学位. In her professional career, she started on the banking side of municipal fixed income, 并在几年内开始从事市政衍生品交易. Anne Michele于2005年退休,她曾担任Bear, Stearns, inc .的董事总经理和负责人。 & Co. Inc.

In addition to her profession, Kuhns has served in many volunteer and community positions, including as a Trustee of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Delaware; Board Member of the Rehoboth Beach chapter of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Delaware; Board Member and Treasurer, Rehoboth Beach Historical Society for 12 years; Co-Chair of the Rehoboth Beach Historical Society and Museum annual fundraiser for twelve years; and President of her neighborhood Homeowners’ Association. 安妮·米歇尔曾在特拉华州男孩女孩俱乐部的里霍伯斯海滩分会志愿担任家庭作业助手,目前在里霍伯斯社区资源中心服务, a day center for homeless individuals, helping with the food pantry and as administrative support. 


Kuhns served ten years on the Board of Trustees, sat on the Investment Committee and Finance Committee, and chaired the Investment Committee from 2012-2014. 她在华尔街的专业知识帮助福克斯克罗夫特增加了捐赠,并履行了财政责任,使学院处于长期优势地位. 她于2014年当选为董事会副主席,是遴选委员会的成员,该委员会任命Cathy McGehee为Foxcroft的第10任校长. She went on to chair McGehee’s Transition Committee, 通过为新的学校领导层设定目标和优先事项,为福克斯克罗夫特的第二个世纪奠定基础. 

从2016年到2019年,Kuhns担任董事会主席. 在此期间,她是起草福克斯克罗夫特捐赠基金历史的关键人物,以帮助教育社区, revising the investment policy, and overseeing the Ruth T. Bedford ’32 $40 million bequest. 她和董事会的其他官员在董事会决定将这些资金的大部分投入捐赠中发挥了核心作用, largely unrestricted, 是什么改变了福克斯克罗夫特,是什么让我们有坚实的基础来抵御全球大流行造成的经济衰退. In addition, during her tenure, Foxcroft completed the Centennial Campaign, 为住宅倡议和捐赠基金筹集资金, two years early and almost $5 million over goal. During this time, 校董会批准安装两个人造草皮场地和建造两个新的教员宿舍, greatly upgrading our campus. 她稳定的领导和正直也指导了学校在一次历史性的不当行为调查中, helped strengthen current policies and practices, and led to healing the alumnae community.

When the Board needed her, 她同意在2019- 2020年将其主席任期再延长一年,以便在受托人领导层过渡期间保持董事会的稳定. It should, therefore, 毫不奇怪,在她完成董事会服务几年后, 库恩斯回应了福克斯克罗夫特的呼吁,同意共同主持耗资6500万美元的“建设我们的未来”竞选活动, raising funds to construct a new STEAM Wing, 以新的表演艺术中心扩展我们的视觉和表演艺术空间, 翻新音乐大楼和我们心爱的校舍,为现在和未来的福克斯克罗夫特女孩服务. 

In addition to her formal leadership roles at the School, 安妮·米歇尔坚持要尽可能多地参加福克斯克罗夫特的活动, including Reunion weekends, regional events, Centennial, and on-campus celebrations, 她通过在领导层面支持福克斯克罗夫特圈子和资本活动来树立管理榜样. 1976年的前董事会主席雷吉·格罗夫斯这样评价库恩斯:“思想和风格都很优雅, 安妮·米歇尔体现了我们对自己和学生的期望. She is a genuinely kind person and a treasure for the School.”

On her senior portrait page, 安妮·米歇尔引用了一句话:“就像你需要现实感/想要真正快乐,你需要梦想一样。, even impossible ones.“可以肯定地说,安妮·米歇尔帮助福克斯克罗夫特实现了我们的梦想, 并展望“建设我们的未来”活动的努力, we can all have zero doubt that she will continue to do so.

For her incredible love and loyalty to the School, her constant volunteer spirit, and her dedicated service over the years, 董事会和校长凯茜·麦吉向87年出生的安妮·米歇尔·库恩斯授予福克斯克罗夫特最高奖, the Anne Kane McGuire ’52 Distinguished Service Award.

See the full video presentation here.